Creating Reminders with AutoAlert Job Management


Job management is now handled by the Okappy Market Network and its job management software. With Okappy Job Management, it’s easy to see what is happening with all your jobs.

You can quickly focus on the exception rather than having to worry about the status of all your jobs. Any job which is running late will be automatically flagged up.

But what if you’re the engineer who is actually doing the job, and you would like to set a quick reminder.

Setting reminders is also very simple to do. Check out the steps below to quickly create a reminder for your job.


Creating reminders

To create a reminder when you’re in a job, simply click the plus button at the top right of the screen to show the Create reminder pop up box.


Create a reminder


Once you have selected the date and time of the reminder and clicked Create, the reminder will be created with the job description automatically populated.


Reminder created


You can easily open your iOS reminders app by clicking on the AutoAlert icon on the top left of your jobs screen and then clicking View reminders.


View reminders


You can see all your reminders.

At the designated time, the notification will pop up on your iPhone, iPad or Mac.



Find out more about Okappy Job Management and how it can benefit your business.













See also:

Job Management

GPS Tracking

Instant Messaging


AutoAlert Blog




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