How to Manage a Worrysome Winter Workload by using AutoAlert


Snow can impact your winter workload


Winter has well and truly kicked in, bringing new challenges to many companies. On the plus side, many businesses have an influx of work as a result – especially if they deal with heating or plumbing.

However, dealing with a large influx of new jobs can be daunting. What’s more, winter travel conditions mean that mobile workers can be delayed by traffic and congestion.

So how can AutoAlert help you deal with increased job demand in winter?


Manage your workload effectively

Using a central job management system means you can get a complete overview of all open jobs. That means you can divide the workload more easily, which is vital during busy periods.

When a new job comes in, you can allocate it to the right worker based on what they are doing, where they are, and what jobs they have lined up.

It also eliminates the need for paperwork, keeping your stress levels from rising.


Give traffic and congestion the slip

AutoAlert’s radar mapping function gives you a bird’s-eye view of the local area, and will show where traffic and congestion is building up. Thanks to real-time GPS tracking from the AutoAlert mobile app, it also shows where your workers are.

Knowing where your workers are means you can strategically allocate jobs so that employees don’t get caught in traffic.
Spend less time communicating with drivers

A sudden influx of work usually means you’ll need to give jobs to employees throughout the day. With AutoAlert, you can enter a job into the system and allocate it to your workers with a click of your mouse.

They’ll get an instant alert sent to their AutoAlert mobile app – meaning you don’t have to spend time calling them or writing out job sheets.


Deal with customer enquiries quickly and easily

AutoAlert can help you manage your workload by reducing the amount of time you spend on the phone with customers. The system allows you to send SMS messages to customers whenever there is a problem or delay, so you’ll have fewer people ringing for updates.

When customers do contact you, you’ll be able to deal with their calls quickly. Every job’s status is updated live by your workers, and you can see each employee’s location through real-time GPS tracking. With a couple of clicks of your mouse, you can see how long each driver is going to be and pass the information on to the customer.


Concentrate on the exception rather than watching every job

During busy periods, trying to check the progress of every single job can be overwhelming. AutoAlert enables you to find out any time there is a problem without actively monitoring every worker.

Using the AutoAlert mobile app, workers can update each job’s status any time there is a problem or delay. Your overview screen will be updated to show which jobs are running late, and you can set AutoAlert to give you notifications or SMS alerts in these instances.

The upshot is that you don’t have to spend time tracking every job – leaving you free to focus on other problems like unpaid invoices.




Find out more about AutoAlert Job Management and how it can help you manage your workload.












See also:

Job Management

GPS Tracking

Instant Messaging


AutoAlert Blog




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