Mobile Job Management In Poor Signal Areas


AutoAlert Job Management helps you cut paperwork by eradicating paper based job sheets, work orders and job cards and replacing them with your mobile telephone.

However, the problem with mobile telephones is they sometimes don’t have signal.

At AutoAlert we have over 10 years experience in mobile application developments, we have continued to develop our apps and make sure they work reliably even with the poorest of mobile signals.

With AutoAlert Monitor, you can download your job details at home or in the office, if you’re out and about and you lose your signal the jobs and their details will be still be shown.

However, back in the office, if you’re worried that they don’t have a network connection then you can always send a text. The mobile networks priorities traffic with voice first, followed by text messages and then data so even if your engineer is in an area with poor signal, the chances are they may still be able to get the text.


Sending Job Detail by SMS Text

Sending job details by text is easy with AutoAlert. when you first create a job, you can have a text sent out automatically to your engineer or subcontractor alerting them that a new job has arrived.

If you’ve already sent the job out, then you can send the job details by clicking on the More options icon (More options) and then clicking Send Message.


Send job details by SMS


A message is generated automatically with the relevant details. Although you can change or add to the text message if required.

Then simply select your engineer, customer or subcontractor and click Send SMS.

You can even send the message at a later time or date if your prefer.


Receiving job detail by text

Once your guy receives the text, then they can click on the link and the details of the job are displayed.


Receiving job details by SMS on your phone

Viewing job details from an SMS



Find out more about AutoAlert Job Management and AutoAlert Messaging.











See also:

Job Management

GPS Tracking

Instant Messaging


AutoAlert Blog




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